Diamond is always up to any challenge and when I asked her to write her thoughts of our area, she wrote this in 15 minutes.
Hi, my name is Diamond Harris and I am a friend of Becky’s. I came from a small town in New York named Mt. Vernon. I usually visit my grandparents In Virginia for the summer and enjoy my vacation. Later on they had decided to open a store named “The Country Store.” Ever since my grandparents Joann Kirmil and Jerry Kirmil opened up we have had many customers. Becky walked in and we automatically click, it was a quick friendship. We have had many adventures, like time I went out on a boat for the fist time! I was scared out of my brains but I liked it. Then she took me out to fish, and showed me her crab pots, a crab almost snapped my toe off but I am ok.
Becky asked me to write about what I thought of the Northern Neck for her Blog. So I would like to explain to you why Northern Neck is such a nice place.
Personally, I like the fact that it is very quiet around. Usually, living in the City, I am used to loud noises but then it’s hard to sleep. And that is why I recommend you to stay in Northern Neck, it is clean. We have cleaning crews to clean every now and then and we are all nice neighbors to anyone, we welcome all newcomers. Northern Neck is like a family, in fact, we are. We all live together with respect for others privacy, opinions and space. We all care for each other and all have hearts. So I say yes! I have been coming here for 4 years and this is the best place to live, so if you believe in peace and beauty, you should live here, because we are a family and there is always more space for others.
I tell you Northern Neck is wonderful. If you love peace and beauty this place is perfect for you. –Diamond Harris
The grandparents that Diamond refers to, Joann and Jerry, are my mother and step father. They love living on the Northern Neck of Virginia. Diamond has enjoyed several summers there and I can only hope that my children will someday do the same.